Thursday, 22 April 2010

SOIL TESTING - Introduction

 The farmers find it extremely difficult to know the proper type of fertilizer, which would match his soil. In using a fertilizer he must take into account the requirement of his crops and the characteristics of the soil.
            The basic objective of the soil-testing programme is to give farmers a service leading to better and more economic use of fertilizers and better soil management practices for increasing agricultural production. High crop yields cannot be obtained without applying sufficient fertilizers to overcome existing deficiencies. 
            Efficient use of fertilizers is a major factor in any programme designed to bring about an economic increase in agricultural production. The farmers involved in such a programme will have to use increasing quantities of fertilizers to achieve the desired yield levels. However the amounts and kinds of fertilizers required for the same crop vary from soil to soil, even field to field on the same soil.
The use of fertilizers without first testing the soil is like taking medicine without first consulting a physician to find out what is needed. It is observed that the fertilizers increase yields and the farmers are aware of this. But are they applying right quantities of the right kind of fertilizers at the right time at the right place to ensure maximum profit? Without a fertilizer recommendation based upon a soil test, a farmer may be applying too much of a little needed plant food element and too little of another element which is actually the principal factor limiting plant growth. This not only means an uneconomical use of fertilizers, but in some cases crop yields actually may be reduced because of use of the wrong kinds or amounts, or improper use of fertilizers. 
            A fertilizers recommendation from a soil testing laboratory is based on carefully conducted soil analyses and the results of up-to-date agronomic research on the crop, and it therefore is most scientific information available for fertilizing that crop in that field.
             Each recommendation based on a soil test takes into account the values obtained by these accurate analysis, the research work so far conducted on the crop in the particular soil areas, and the management practices of the concerned farmer. The soil test with the resulting fertilizer recommendation is therefore the actual connecting link between agronomic research and its practical application to the farmers’ fields. However, soil testing is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end. A farmer who follows only the soil test recommendations is  not assured of a good crop. Good crop yields are the result of the application also of other good management practices, such as proper tillage, efficient water management, good seed, and adequate plant protection measures. Soil testing is essential and is the first step in obtaining high yields and maximum returns from the money invested in fertilizers. 

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